Where oh where does one go out in Mykonos?? The first time I visited Mykonos I was kind of disappointed…in the gay scene that is. Granted, I didn’t do my research beforehand, so it was partly my fault. However, I didn’t go to the right beaches, bars or clubs. So, this “gay mecca” that Mykonos had always promised to be, in my mind at least, wasn’t really all that...gay. Well, boy did that all change on this trip! Not only did I find the gay beach to out-gay all gay beaches, I finally found where the party was…and it was of course, appropriately, hosted by Mrs. Jackie O’! Jackie O’ is an amazing gay bar in Mykonos Town. It is right on the water and right next door to another gay bar called…are you ready…Babylon (how original). Anyway, Jackie O’ is obviously the more popular of the two. However, I learned something else on this trip. The party does not get started until late, late, late. I passed by this bar around 11pm one night and no one was there. There were a few waiters milling about and a gay flag flapping in the island wind…but no patrons. It was a little sad. I decided to head back into town to shop, walk around and grab a sweet. A few hours past and around 1am I figured I might as well pass by Jackie O’ again just to see if maybe one or two homosexuals happened to find their way to what looked like a potentially really cool bar. There were indeed a few more peeps there the second time around, enough for me to decide to hang for a few drinks at least. However, as the minutes past more and more and more people started showing up. The more I drank the more the crowd multiplied…it was nuts. Come 2am the place was PACKED! You couldn’t move! One of the funniest things about the experience, and this is so Greece, was the fact that, as I mentioned before, the two gay bars were literally right next to each other. However, each one had its own DJ…and all the action was outside. Therefore, if you found yourself hovering too close to the middle of the two bars you kind of had to listen to a clusterfuck of music. It didn’t make sense at all…but alas, so Greece. I spent many a drunken night drinking, dancing and cavorting with Mrs. Jackie O’ and her island gays…a super fun, super crazy and super gay hot spot.
Warning: Be careful of the winds and the water! When the sea gets rough the waves crash over the stone barrier separating the bar from the water and needless to say there were a few very unhappy, saltwater drenched causalities…but a good laugh was had by my drunk ass.
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