It’s funny how even those of us who are lucky enough to live in places like NYC can get stuck and find ourselves spending most of our time within a ten block radius. However, all it takes is a simple change of scenery to reinvigorate and remind us just how amazing this city truly is! Last night I met up with some friends for dinner in Murray Hill, a neighborhood that I hardly ever visit. I decided to walk down Park Ave from Times Square. Wow, what an amazing walk. I can’t remember the last time I strolled down Park Ave, one of the most beautiful streets in the city. Granted it was a beautiful evening as well, the sun was shining yet there was a light breeze, everyone on the street seemed so free and happy, such a change from my usual tourist trap surroundings of Times Square. I actually felt like the tourist in this neighborhood, gawking lazily at the buildings and the architecture, the little details that so often go ignored. As I ambled down the avenue in my hypnotized state I was stopped dead in my tracks by the overwhelming, majestic presence of Grand Central Station. Grand Central Station, an iconic staple of Manhattan history, culture and architecture…and a place completely out of my day-to-day radar. I treated me eyes and my memory to a taste of this impressive building. Again, wow, what an absolutely beautiful space; enormous, overpowering, yet familiar and welcoming…I was awestruck. As the hundreds of people shuffled past me to catch their trains home I just stood frozen in the center of the main concourse staring up at the beauty of it all. Within the span of an hour I had become one of those people I hate, a mesmerized tourist admiring what a great city New York truly is. Of course, I was greeted with hurried exasperation from the commuters rushing past me, but I didn’t care. I took that moment for myself…to remind myself how lucky I was to be living in such an amazing city. We get so wrapped up in the difficulties that living in New York brings that it’s nice to be reminded, especially in a non-expected way, just how truly unique and magical this place is!
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